Download to a clean folder and run it. It will download and install all the required packages and will set permissions, start services and will ask you to choose the password for postgres user. After the script end you only need to logout and login and start tomcat with the command /etc/rc.d/rc.tomcat start Afterwards start the OpenBravo Installer. ./OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin Prefix dirs are java = /usr/lib/jdk ant = /usr/lib/ant tomcat = /usr/share/tomcat psql-bin = /usr/bin Required PAckages: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \openbravo\ (6) 276 276 008 2007-09-22 15:41 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenbravoERP-2.35-linux-installer.bin 144 731 612 2007-09-20 23:37 -a--- apache-ant-1.7.0-i586-bj.tgz 3 323 873 2007-09-20 23:37 -a--- jdk-6u2-i586-2.tgz 80 907 534 2007-09-20 23:37 -a--- jre-6u2-i586-1.tgz 34 051 950 2007-09-20 23:37 -a--- postgresql-8.2.4-i686-1mfb.tgz 7 380 224 2007-09-20 23:37 -a--- tomcat-5.5.16-noarch-1stb.tgz 5 879 458 2007-09-20 23:37 -a--- Rest of the Packages can be downloaded manually, just comment '#' or remove wget lines on script.